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Actian Inc
Results 1 - 4 of 4

Actian Zen v15 Cloud Server Engines (Base)

Actian Zen v15 Cloud Server Engine License - SuperSize/Unlimited (New Install) (Z15CLD-1506000-UNL-01)

Sales price: $64,500.00

Product details

Actian Zen v15 Cloud Server Engine License - Small/20GB (New Installation) Z15CLD-1506020-000-01

Sales price: $5,780.00

Product details

Actian Zen v15 Cloud Server Engine License - Large Size/200GB (New Install) (Z15CLD-1506200-000-01)

Sales price: $38,500.00

Product details

Actian Zen v15 Cloud Server Engine License - Medium Size/100GB (New Install) (Z15CLD-1506200-000-01)

Sales price: $19,500.00

Product details